
Complete leg harness inspired by depictions from Altar of St George
of the Valencian school, circa 1410.

Transitional leg harness based on Guiron le Courtois Manuscript, 1370-1380.

Full leg harness for end of XIV c., begin of XV c. period.
Made of medium carbon steel and heat hardened and tempered up to 42 HRC.
Poleyns have characteristic pointed shape.

Leg harness in english style for battle of Agincourt period.
Made from medium carbon steel, heat hardened and tempered up to 42 HRC.
Brass bands decoration motive based on example visible on Henry V tournament helm.

Complete leg harness made of medium carbon steel.
All hardened and tempered up to 42 HRC.

Leg harness made from medium carbon steel and leather, second half of XIV c.
Steel elements Heat hardened and tempered up to 42 HRC.

Complete leg harness made from medium carbon steel.
Cuisses hardened and tempered up to 42 HRC.
Poleyns covered in 24 karat gold.

Poleyns based on effigy of Sir John Blanchefront, circa 1350.

Leg harness made from medium carbon steel which are one of possible
version of harness depict by men-at-arms
from silver altar of St. James in Pistoia Cathedral.

Gothic leg harness, dated to late XV c.
Fully made of medium carbon steel.
Upper legs heat hardened and tempered up to 40-42 HRC.

Leg harness made from medium carbon steel and wax boiled leather, half of XIV c.
Steel elements Heat hardened and tempered up to 38-42 HRC.

Leg harness made fully of medium carbon steel, end of XIV c. - begin of XV c.
Cuisses hardened and tempered, final hardness is 38-42 HRC.

Leg harness with pointed poleyn made fully of medium carbon steel,
end of XIV c. - begin of XV c.
Fully heat hardened and tempered, final hardness is 38-42 HRC.

Leg harness made of medium carbon steel.
Fully heat hardened and tempered, final hardness is 38-42 HRC.

Italian export leg harness 'alla tedesca'
fully made from medium carbon steel, late XV c.
Cuisses heat hardened and tempered up to hardness 38-42 HRC.
Upper leg harness inspired by italian export cuisses 'alla tedesca'
from Philadelphia Museum of Art, c. 1465-70.

Composite leg harness based on german knights effigies:
Beringer von Berlichinge 1377 and Voit von Rieneck 1379.

Complete leg harness based on iconography from begin of XV c. Poleyn made from medium carbon steel and brass gilded.

Reconstruction of leg harness Charles VI from Chartres.

Reconstruction of leg harnees from Churburg.




Copyright Piotr Feret